- dodatkowe aplikacje - własne polecenia, DDNS, WoL, OpenVPN - wszystkie z możliwością ustawienia z poziomu LuCI - pakiety do obsługi różnych protokołów wan - pppoe, ipv6 itd - kompresja plików js, css - włączenie rebind_domain dla Aero2 - dodatkowy pakiet w LuCI do obsługi statystyk dla eko.one.pl

OpenWRT (LEDE) OpenVPN Setup. Share This! Step 1 – Update and install OpenVPN client package opkg install openvpn-openssl luci-app-openvpn. Substitute accordingly if yours are different. Install OpenVPN package: # opkg update # opkg install openvpn-openssl ..and LuCI-component of OpenVPN ( optional  22 Mar 2020 Note: The steps below were tested on OpenWrt 18.06 running set on a Linksys E900 router that has the luci app openvpn plugin on site, so it  06 running set on a Linksys E900 router that has the luci app openvpn plugin on site, so it might not be same on your firmware: Apr 04, 2017 · Unfortunately, this  Editing using OpenVPN LuCI app, when needed. Here are the steps: 1) Unbridge the LAN interface(s). Go to "Physical Settings" of the LAN interface(  3 Feb 2019 The main method we will use from here to edit the openVPN config is a plugin for the Luci UI which isn't in the default install of Turris Omnia OS. Configure OpenVPN. Connect to LUCI (your router's interface) on a browser. By default, the router should have the IP address 192.168.

此时我们可以直接通过LUCI中直接看到启动的服务: V. 客户端配置. 这边大家可以搜索下客户端可以使用ovpn(openVPN)的客户端,这里由于我是Mac系统,我使用的是Tunnelblick,不过配置文件基本上都是通用的。

Install OpenVPN package: # opkg update # opkg install openvpn-openssl..and LuCI-component of OpenVPN (optional, if you prefer to manage OpenVPN profile from your router's Web UI later on): # opkg install install luci-app-openvpn; Enable OpenVPN to start on boot:


Premièrement cliquez sur le boutton "Update lists" au dessus, ensuite dans "Download and install package" tapez ou copied: "luci-app-openvpn openvpn-easy-rsa openvpn-openssl" et appuyez sur "OK" 2 Installation d'OpenVPN